Banjo Magic: Involve The Family!

When trying to keep the magic alive between your children’s letters from Banjo, a few simple changes can really help. Get your whole family involved in the magic – they’ll add to the authenticity of Banjo’s world! Watch as your little one’s face lights up even more when they realise that other people around them know about Banjo too!

Here are our top tips for getting the family involved with the Banjo magic:


Get the family all helping with making the recipes that come with each letter. Does your little one have a special apron? We love these! Make sure that your family is helping your child with reading out loud the recipe instructions too. It’ll feel like a real family effort and make the food even more yummy! Just make sure that they help you with the washing up!

Send other items to Banjo

Is there an older sibling who loves drawing cartoons? Get them to pop one under the sofa with your little one! Watch when your Banjoer realises it has disappeared (make sure you remember to take it away!) and see if they want to draw anything else to put under there. Would your little one like to join in and draw Banjo too? Do your other children like arts and crafts? You could have a selection of other items to send to Banjo – it’ll be a lot of fun!

Spot Banjo’s friends!

Walk around your local park or neighbourhood and see what animals your whole family can spot. Are they friends with Banjo? They could even be local cousins! Make sure that your little one’s siblings are joining in too and maybe even getting them to make up a story about the animal they see will just add to Banjo’s amazing universe.

Research the country Banjo is visiting 

Could you all pop to the library and do some research about Banjo’s latest destination? Find out what food they have, what the people there like to do – and investigate the wildlife too!  There is so much information that you can find out about a country together and could even turn it into a fun day out! Or, if you’d rather stay at home, have a look at a device together and write down any additional facts that you’ve all learnt – you can start with the extra digital resources which we send with your Just Shipped email! 


Did you know that Banjo has LOTS of playlists on Spotify? Our favourite one at the moment is the fitness playlist. Over 40 mins of really catchy tunes that Banjo loves to jump around to. Hold hands, dance around your kitchen and have fun together as a family to all of the brilliant songs!

Get the older family members involved!

Speak to grandparents, uncles and aunties and ask them to mention to your little one that they’ve also heard from Banjo. You could even get them to talk about the activity they’ve just completed on the The Meow! Your child will be so pleased that they’re joining in too. There are so many resources available in The Meow and the blogs, that your extended family member can become a Banjo expert too! You can also remind them to keep asking them questions about Banjo – talking about their favourite pen-pal regularly is the best way to help keep the magic element alive for your little ones!

And don’t forget, on our our FAQ page, you’ll find answers to lots of awkward questions that your child may ask!  


Lots of love, the Cats at Banjo HQ x