Welcome to
Banjo in Schools!

Printable teaching resources from a friendly feline
Ages 4-9


Watch reluctant readers and writers squeal with excitement as they open letters from a globetrotting cat!
(...and then write back!)

Reading and writing for pleasure
Suitable for Early years & KS1
Printable activities
Use alongside an existing scheme
Use as a standalone unit of work
Rated 5 stars by teachers and parents

Filter by level

(age 4-5)

Hear how it works from a teacher

Hear about Banjo from experienced primary teacher and former Ofsted inspector, Lizzie Cotton. 

Hello - I'm Banjo!

I travel the world visiting exciting places like the pyramids, the Taj Mahal and the Great Wall of China, sending fun-filled letters to my human friends back home. That’s right, real letters! In the post! Addressed to YOU!

Recently, some teachers asked me to send 3 special letters (and teaching resources) to their classroom, via a thing called DOWNLOAD. They're full of info about the UK, Uganda, Fiji, and the time I got a bit lost in a submarine. I hope you enjoy them!

[Disclaimer: Sometimes Banjo writes his letters with the help of children's authors you may know and love.]


Create some buzz before Banjo writes!
Download a 'Lost Cat' poster for your classroom

World map poster

'Lost Cat' posters (one for your staffroom; one for classrooms and hallways)

How it works

Will my class enjoy this? Try Banjo's intro letter!

(Also, yes. Yes, they will.)

Child's reply paper - 9/10 children will write a reply!

Banjo's reply paper - Collect your class' letters from under your desk, and replace them with a personal message from Banjo!

Share with friends and colleagues!

Filter by country


Banjo's UK letter

Banjo's UK letter, child's reply stationery, teacher's reply stationery, and a colouring-in sheet.

10-60 min activities, over a term
Suitable for EYFS / ages 4-5
Reading and writing for pleasure
Expanding geography knowledge of the UK

Or download individual UK resources:

Banjo's letter | UK

30 mins

Child reply | UK

30 mins

Teacher reply | UK

30 mins


Banjo's Uganda letter

Banjo's Uganda letter, child's reply stationery, teacher's reply stationery, and a colouring-in sheet.

10-60 min activities, over a term
Suitable for EYFS / ages 4-5
Reading and writing for pleasure
Expanding geography knowledge of the UK

10-60 min activities, over a term
Suitable for EYFS / ages 4+
Reading and writing for pleasure
Expanding geography knowledge of the world

Or download individual Uganda resources:

Banjo's letter |

30 mins

Child reply | Uganda

30 mins

Teacher reply | Uganda

30 mins


Banjo's Fiji letter

Banjo's Fiji letter, child's reply stationery, teacher's reply stationery, and a colouring-in sheet.

10-60 min activities, over a term
Suitable for EYFS level / ages 4+
Reading and writing for pleasure
Expanding geography knowledge of the world

Or download individual Fiji resources:

Banjo's letter | Fiji

30 mins

Child rely | Fiji

30 mins

Teacher reply | Fiji

30 mins

Support materials

Background story

Find out why Banjo is travelling the world

Letters from Banjo

Written by children’s author, Sylvia Bishop


Track Banjo’s journey to learn about the world

Lesson plans

Full of ideas from a primary teacher

Geography vocab

KS1 geography words on one handy sheet

Fun activities

Wordsearches to art challenges... and more

Table materials

Extra info to support independent learning

Reply stationery

Paper and envelopes for writing back

More countries to explore! (Plus, stickers!)

Banjo also has a pre-printed, postal subscription - available for £2 / month

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