CNBC: Hot Spots of Innovation in the time of Corona Virus

Banjo Robinson was delighted to be featured in a recent CNBC article ‘Hot Spots of Innovation in the time of Corona Virus’ written by Catherine Clifford.

Clifford identifies Banjo as one of three start-ups working to address problems of the quarantined population. She notes of the company:

“They have experienced a five-fold increase in daily sales since schools closed. Parents are telling the Banjo team that juggling work with homeschooling is hard but Banjo activities have been a huge help in occupying their young children in educational ways,” Techstars founder and CEO David Brown tells CNBC Make It.

Banjo offers the perfect home learning resource as his deliveries arrive straight to subscribers doors, every two weeks. Banjo’s letters are developed by teachers, written by children’s authors and curriculum-aligned. They cover all key aspects of Key Stage 1 English and many aspects of Key Stage 1 Geography, History, Languages and Arts. Letters from Banjo support a love of reading and writing, stimulate curiosity about the world and encourage empathy, creativity and communication. As a result, the letters empower children to become confident readers, writers and creative thinkers!

What’s included in a Banjo delivery?

Children get a big, beautiful map of the world with their first delivery. Hereafter, every two weeks, they receive:

  • a personalised letter from Banjo (written by children’s author, Anna Kemp!)
  • reply stationery
  • a colouring in activity
  • personalised stickers
  • country facts
  • recipe card

Find out more here.

Other ways Banjo Can Help

Check out Banjo’s blog which features articles with tips and tricks to help during lockdown:

The Ultimate Guide to Keeping Kids Entertained During Lockdown

Dr Seuss Rapped to Dr Dre: Two Doctors You Need During Lockdown

9 Homeschooling Tips For Working Parents

5 Top Tips: How to Protect Your Children from Covid-19

Or sign up to receive Cat Mail from Banjo! Weekly newsletters will include free printables, blogs & stories from guest authors, EVERY THURSDAY!